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Teachers and students🤰🏿:

Good morning. Initially, I had said I don't have anything to say, but Mr. Tan asked me to make a speech anyway. He also said that I could probably briefly explain how to apply for a graduate student at our school. This stuff is greatly available online. Speaking of life post-graduation, and taking my own life experience as an example, I decided to expand the topic and then change the direction a little bit. I also picked the topic What then?”.

After graduation, we may have multiple choices. I will focus on two that I did.

First: Looking for a job: Six months before I got my bachelor's degree, I started browsing the websites of companies in my field. I watched a lot of videos on job interviews and applied for many different jobs. On most company websites, they have job centers or opportunities sections. You can fill in your details there and they will contact you if you are eligible.

These companies need us more than we need them: In March 2018, I received a call from HUAWEI. They said they were interested in me and asked if I wanted the job they were offering. Since then, I received more than a dozen calls. On some occasions, they had technical people call me, and on other occasions, they just called to confirm or cancel appointments. I had a face-to-face interview in June 2018 and they hired me.

Qualities sought by the human resources department:

1. Learning ability: The first question I was asked was Which language do you prefer to speak? I chose to speak in Chinese. This not only proved my ability to join their company (predominantly Chinese) but also that I was capable of learning new things quickly (Learning a language in 5 years and speaking it comfortably-That’s worth something).

2. Leadership: They asked me if I ever held a leadership role. As a leader, did I ever resolved disputes between team members?

3. Creativity: They also asked me if I had ever created anything on my own. They also asked me about the content of my graduation thesis.

4. Who knows you? : They asked me if I could leave the contact information of my referrals.

Eventually, I was hired and worked there for a year as a network engineer. I found that my knowledge in the field is not good enough and that I did not have a good foundation in networking. Therefore, I decided to return to school to continue my master's degree.

The second option is to study for a master's degree:

1. Invest in yourself financially and in time:

When you decide to study, this is a rule of thumb. The financial part is almost negligible. Buy books online, second-hand books, Chinese and English versions. The electronic versions do not exceed 10 Yuan. Spend more time studying.

2. What do you want to do? : Adapt to your field of study. Know your research direction!

3. Communication: Always communicate with your mentor before and after you enroll. This is their job!!! Don't be shy.

4. Research:

Our Chinese classmates must take the pre-school exam. Part of the exam contains material about the chosen research direction. We don't need to take the exam, which is more harm than good. and so:

-You should read more materials online.

-Google more!

-There are many videos in different languages on YouTube, Udemy, Coursera, OCW from MIT

-Communicate with different people, teachers, classmates, roommates,

5. Time management: The master's program is short and there is much to do. Make a job or learning to record.


These are some tips from the top of my head. There are more tips from other sources and other people. You can try them and see how they help.


I have English and Pinyin versions of this speech here. Those who might them can ask me. Thank you!

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